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Chimney Sweeping & Chimney / Stove Services - Prices *

Chimney Sweeping

Traditional and rotary power sweeping techniques are employed. Includes a smoke evacuation check and a N.A.C.S sweeping certificate (insurance recognised).

25% discount

for additional chimneys

  • Open fire . . . . . . . . . . .  £65

  • Stove (lined flue) . . . . . £65

  • Stove (unlined flue) . . . £70

  • Jetmaster . . . . . . . . . . . £70

  • Inglenook . . . . . . . . . . . £80

  • Other . . . . . . . . . . . Enquire

Chimney CCTV Surveys

CCTV surveys are performed following a sweep. A specialist AMAC Twin Eye diagnostic colour camera system is used to conduct an internal examination of the entire length of the flue. This allows an accurate assessment of its condition to be made. Homeowner, landlord and insurance reports are available.

  • Sweep, inspection & verbal report  . . . £125

  • Sweep, inspection & written survey report including images  . . . £250

Chimney Integrity Testing

Integrity testing can be completed using either smoke (Smoke Test 1 - Building Regulations) or using a specialist Wohler DP600 pressure testing machine which produces a precise reading of any leakage detected. The method employed will depend upon chimney type and the access available to the chimney stack and any adjoining properties which effects sealing and inspecting flues.

  • Sweep & smoke integrity test . . . . £200

  • Sweep & machine pressure test . . £250

Creosote Removal

Creosote deposits in flues cause chimney fires, lead to dangerous blockages and the acids within creosote will quickly corrode expensive steel liners. To effectively remove creosote from heavily tarred flues, Cre-Away Pro is applied using an air compressor. This four component chemical treatment neutralises and degrades creosote enabling it to then be removed by sweeping. Very heavy tarring may require more than one application.

  • Cre-Away Pro application & sweep . . . £200

Bird Nest Removal

Bird nests found in chimneys are removed between September and February (outside nesting times - Wildlife and Countryside Act). Once a room is fully sheeted, nests are usually removed from below with appropriate rods and attachments used to punch through the nest and bring the material down. Once removed the flue is fully swept and checked with a CCTV camera to ensure that it is clear and safe to use.

  • Bird nest removal . . . £90 (for initial 90 minutes, £25 for each subsequent 30 minute period)

Cowl & Bird Guard Fitting

Cowls and bird guards come in a range of designs and offer different performance features about which we offer advice. Our most common customer requirements include protection from weather ingress, bird access and downdraft avoidance. Only high quality items, sourced from the leading manufacturers are supplied and fitted securely. Incorrectly chosen and fitted cowls and guards often impair rather than improve fire performance and may present a safety risk.

  • Cowl & Guards . . Item cost + £100 fitting charge

Stove Maintenance

Stove and fireplace appliances all require maintenance to function safely and perform at their best. Fire bricks, door glass, grate and throat plates, rope seals and fire cement are all considered consumables by manufacturers. Service parts can either be replaced during a sweeping appointment or a complete stove service can be arranged which includes door and glass rope seal replacement, hinge lubrication and a full clean of glass and metal parts.

  • Full stove service . . . . £100

  • Replacement parts . . . Enquire


  • Prices advertised are typical prices based on work related to one flue up to 15m in height (which covers most houses up to three storeys in height).

  • A price will be agreed with a customer prior to any work being undertaken and any issues encountered during any work highlighted to the customer at the time.

  • Written records will be provided of any work undertaken.

  • Written quotes are available upon request.

Michael Marshall T/A Hot Flue - Unit 102, 3 Edgar Buildings, George Street, Bath BA1 2FJ - 01225 430589 / 07376 004501

National Association of Chimney Sweeps Member No.18/019    HETAS Approved Sweep Registration No. 7739

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